Information for people with a handicap

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Picture: Fantaisie Palace and Park


Information for people with mobility impairment

Disabled parking

  • Two public disabled parking spaces in front of the Hotel Fantaisie in the north-west part of the palace park around 50 m from the park gate and around 250 m from the palace

  • Two disabled parking spaces in the visitor car park in the north-east part of the palace park (around 850 m from the palace)


Disabled toilet

On the ground floor of the palace (will be unlocked by staff if required)

Picture: Garden Museum


Palace (Garden Museum)

  • Step-free access via a ramp (gradient 11 %)

  • The entrance door must be opened manually and opens inwards.

  • Palace cafĂ©: accessible without steps from the main entrance during museum opening hours; no barrier-free access from the outside area

Museum rooms
  • All main areas step-free (door sills of 5-7 cm in some places; the museum staff will be happy to help if necessary)

  • Upper floor accessible via a lift (door width: 90 cm, cabin width: 100 cm, cabin length: 130 cm)

  • Doorways 90 cm wide, except White Hall (73 cm; second door leaf can be opened if necessary)

  • Level, non-slip flooring

  • Seats at various places in the museum

  • Mobile museum stools can be borrowed free of charge from the ticket office.


Picture: Viewing terrace at the back of the castle


Palace park (paths)

  • Path surface mostly asphalt or paved gravel

  • Paths in the upper part of the park near the palace mostly flat or only slightly inclined

  • Many very steep paths and stairs in the lower part of the park due to the hillside location

Information for the visually impaired

  • No guidance system for the visually impaired available

  • No audio guide available

  • No regular guided tours

Information for the hearing impaired

  • No induction loop for hearing aids available

  • Written information available

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